Era usar WTFast y todo solucionado. Yo lo tuve que usar durante 15-20 días. Si mucha peña dice que es mierda, será por algo, seguro que hay otro VPN que 

WTFast est un réseau privé pour gamers (GPN) spécialement pensé pour les jeux multijoueurs tels que Starcraft, League of Legends et Dota 2. Ce réseau fonctionne grâce à une armée de serveurs travaillant de concert pour offrir une fluidité de connexion pour les joueurs du monde entier. Service where CS:GO players can try their luck and get awesome skins! Just deposit your skins to the raffle, become a winner and sweep the board! So I came across this software called "WTfast" that calls itself GPN (not VPN) and reroutes the internet to find the best gaming connection (something like that). I'm sure people here must be knowing about it, and if so, then does it actually work cuz if it does then only I'll subscribe to the premium version. Need to know ASAP. I play CSGO. 04/09/2015 WTFast’s work is so excellent and mechanized to make it possible to automatically manage game traffic paths. In addition, it provides users with their own setup options to choose the best available connection for their game. WTFAST Keygen today, as demand grows, manufacturers offer free programs on a global scale. Consolter vos statistique CSGO en ligne avec Q: Comment puis-je voir ma liste Jeux A: Simple! Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de se connecter avec Steam. !:)

Mặc dù kết nối Internet ổn định nhưng trong quá trình chơi game online, người chơi không thể tránh khỏi tình trạng bị lag hay ping cao. Để khắc phục tình trạng này khi chơi game online, bạn có thể nhờ đến sự hỗ trợ của WTFast. Trong bài viết dưới đây Quản trị mạng sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách cài đặt WTFast để

WTFast’s work is so excellent and mechanized to make it possible to automatically manage game traffic paths. In addition, it provides users with their own setup options to choose the best available connection for their game. WTFAST Keygen today, as demand grows, manufacturers offer free programs on a global scale. Hey, I use wtfast for csgo on competitive, The ping is better, but sometime i have a huge lag spike (and i never have w/o wtfast) or sometime i have some "warp back" in the time.

Fix lag and play better by improving ping, packet loss and jitter. Haste is next-gen Internet optimization software for gamers. Start your free trial now!

Completely broke CSGO, would keep saying VAC failed to verify the game session even after I thoroughly uninstalled WTFAST as well as CSGO. Useful. Share. Reply. Ahmad Awad 1 review. i love it. i love it! It actually really helps with lag and it will give u a significantly lower ping than normal. Useful. Share. Reply . Sebastián Franco Fix lag and play better by improving ping, packet loss and jitter. Haste is next-gen Internet optimization software for gamers. Start your free trial now! Sleep < #CSGO樂 Jump to. Sections of this page See more of WTFast - Speed Up Your Game on Facebook. Log In. or. Create New Account. See more of WTFast - Speed Up Your Game on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. Related Pages. The Sims. Video Game. San Antonio Spurs. Sports Team. League of Legends. Games/Toys. Logitech G. Computers (Brand) Aion. … WTFast is a portal which allows gamers to maximize online-gaming performance, - CSGO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) - WOW (World of Warcraft) - Dota 2. Supported game list syncs with the WTFast Server, so once new games are supported, the router firmware doesn't need to be updated every time. Support for popular console games will be coming soon next year in 2016! Articles: Gaming « wtfast », « What The Fast », « Way Too Fast », « GPN », et « Gamers Private Network » sont des marques déposées de AAA Internet Publishing Inc. L'utilisation non autorisée est interdite. AAA Internet Publishing Inc. détient plusieurs brevets technologiques. Les brevets accordés incluent US 9614870, US 90871832, US 9571359, avec plusieurs brevets supplémentaires en attente