Amazon Fire TV Stick: Esta guía servirá para instalar Kodi en cualquier dispositivo con Android, por lo que si tienes el Amazon Fire TV (la versión grande), este proceso también será válido. Un ordenador : Que puede ser cualquier PC con Windows, Linux o Mac OS X. Las herramientas utilizadas en esta guía sirven para todas las plataformas.

Vous pouvez vous procurer Kodi sur une large gamme de plates-formes, et l’un des mieux adaptés est le système d’exploitation Fire OS d’Amazon, utilisé par Fire TV et Fire TV Stick (communément appelé Firesticks). Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas simplement télécharger Kodi à partir du magasin d’applications de ces appareils Amazon Fire TV e Fire TV Stick su piattaforma Android sono dispositivi molto diffusi tra gli appassionati di Kodi. Infatti, oltre alla possibilità di accedere a tutti i canali e le funzionalità di Fire TV, Kodi offre anche una nuova gamma di add-on e canali in streaming. Because Kodi is not available in the Amazon App Store, we must side-load it onto our device. This side-loading process is also used to Jailbreak a Firestick or Fire TV which will allow you to stream free Movies, TV Shows, Sports, and more. This page is continually updated and will always provide relevant guides with the most recent stable release of Kodi. As of today, Kodi 18.7 Leia is the 17/05/2019 Questo articolo spiega come installare l'app Kodi, un lettore multimediale, sul tuo Fire Stick di Amazon. Per installare Kodi su Fire TV, devi consentire l'installazione di applicazioni da fonti sconosciute, che può aumentare il rischio di scaricare per sbaglio app pericolose o non supportate. Como usuarios de Kodi recomendamos el uso de IPVanish VPN para tener acceso total a todos los addons, incluidos los que funcionan mediante torrents. Compatible con múltiples plataformas como Android, Amazon Fire TV (Stick), Windows, Mac, iOS, entre otros. Unos de los mayores beneficios al utilizar IPVanish VPN son: > Completa privacidad y anonimato al navegar en Internet y en Kodi

6- Attendez que votre version de Kodi pour terminer le téléchargement. Une fois cela fait, faites défiler vers le bas et cliquez sur Installer pour installer Kodi sur Fire Stick. C’est tout! Kodi sera maintenant dans le dossier des applications de votre Amazon Fire Stick ou Amazon Fire TV.

Download Kodi on Firestick: Now, you can install any application on the Firestick. Open the Amazon App Store, search for the application called “Downloader.” We will be using the Downloader app to download Kodi TV. Download and install Downloader application on the Amazon Fire Stick. Now open the Downloader app and use the Kodi link. Kodi für Fire TV 18.7 Leia Deutsch: Der beliebte Verwalter für Mediendateien Kodi ist auch für Amazon Fire TV verfügbar.

Kodi für Fire TV 18.7 Leia Deutsch: Der beliebte Verwalter für Mediendateien Kodi ist auch für Amazon Fire TV verfügbar.

22/12/2014 · Amazon Fire TV XBMC Kodi How to Get Free Movies and TV I am always looking for the most value I can get, but to still have things work properly or it is not worth it. Lately I have been experimenting with the new suite of Amazon FireTV boxes.